=============================== README.TXT ================================= ARTICLE INFORMATION All Authors: Gerrit C. Groenenboom and Izabela M. Struniewicz Title: Three-dimensional ab initio potential energy surface for He-O2 Journal: The Journal of Chemical Physics DEPOSIT INFORMATION Description: Fortran 77 routines to evaluate the fit of the three-dimensional He-O2 interaction potential; The O2 potential described in J. F. Babb and A. Dalgarno, Phys. Rev. A, vol 51, p. 3021 (1995); The database of ab initio points; Example output of the program; The MOLPRO job used for the ab initio calculations. Total No. of Files: 5 Filenames: README.TXT (this file) vheo2.f (fortran 77 routines for He-O2 and O2 potential) output.txt (output of the fortran program) table.dat (database with 754+27 geometries and interaction energies) job.sh (MOLPRO job) Filetypes: all ASCII. Contact Information: Dr. Gerrit C. Groenenboom Institute of Theoretical Chemistry University of Nijmegen Toernooiveld 1 6525 ED Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS Phone: 011-31-243653034 Fax: 011-31-243653041 Email: gerritg@theochem.kun.nl Special Instructions: Compile the Fortran program (UNIX command): f77 -O -o vheo2 vheo2.f Run the program: vheo2 < table.dat The output should match the file "output.txt". Each line of the file "table.dat" contains: nr R theta rOO vHeO2 where "nr" is a sequential number and "R", "theta", and "rOO" are the Jacobi coordinates described in the paper ("R" and "rOO" in bohr, "theta" in degrees) and "vHeO2" is the RCCSD(T) interaction energy in hartree. The first 754 entries were used in the fit, the remaining 27 lines are the random geometries used to check the fit. The program "vheo2" prints out the ab initio value and the fit for all "nr" that are a multiple of 150. Furthermore information on the absolute and relative errors in the fit is printed. The program "vheo2" can be used to evaluate the fit at other geometries by using an input file similar to "table.dat" with all "nr" and "vHeO2" fields set to zero.