AGFL parser generator system tips: * the command file "setagfl.bat", located in directory "agfl_2.3.0\bin", is used to define the required environment variables, and should be run prior to using the AGFL system. The default configuration looks for the AGFL system in c:\agfl_2.3.0 and it's subdirectories. If AGFL is installed on another disk and/or in other directories, edit "setagfl.bat" and modify the values of the GENBASE symbol to reflect the actual location. E.G., if agfl is installed in subdirectory d:\information_retrieval\linguistics\agfl then the GENBASE variable should be defined as SET GENBASE=d:\information_retrieval\linguistics\agfl * check the "agfl.txt" file in the alphabet subdirectory to find out which character translations are possible for words in the lexica used. * A description of the AGFL formalism and sample grammars can be found on our FTP-site: * After creating an AGFL grammar text file (e.g., "mygram.gra"), it can be compiled by means of the "gen" command: gen [] mygram When no syntax errors are found, this will result in an executable mygram.exe Which can be called as follows: mygram [] The system will then respond with the input prompt ">>". Texts to be parsed can be entered at the prompt (">>"). Typing the -key at the prompt will end the parsing session. A full list of "gen" options can be obtained by entering "gen -h". A full list of "mygram" options can be obtained by entering mygram -h * the C-compiler, include files and libraries that form part of the system are limited in functionality and can not be used for general purpose C program development. * for remarks, questions, and suggestions, please contact us at AGFL group Nijmegen University Subfaculty of Computer Science