Abstract from: 1-handout.txt [dirdif manual chapter 1] 22 March 2008 A summary about DIRDIF ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DIRDIF-2008 A computer program for Crystal Structure Determination by Patterson Methods and Direct Methods applied to Difference Structure Factors How to solve crystal structures using chemical knowledge Paul T. Beurskens, Gezina Beurskens, Rene de Gelder, Jan M.M. Smits (Nijmegen), S. Garcia-Granda (Oviedo) & R.O. Gould (Edinburgh) Notation: all names of programs, parameters, keywords, etcetera, are written in capitals, but all input data may also be given in lower case lettering. All data file names are defined in lower case although in write-ups capitals may be used. Documents: files stored in directory dirdif/ DOCS - PRIMER files: 1-handout, 2-intro, 3-options, 4.files, 5-monos, etc. - gallery.pdf : a visualization of orbase = data base of mol.fragments - the MANUAL.pdf : theoretical background of major (sub)programs . Input data: the usual crystal data and observed reflection data, and 1. ===> for heavy atoms structures: nothing else ! 2. ===> for Vector Search: one or MORE known molecular fragments. 3. ===> some options require atomic coordinates. When to use DIRDIF for routine structure analysis: 1. For structures with heavy atoms, including P and S call: PATTY 2. For structures of molecules with (partly) known geometry ...: ORIENT When to use DIRDIF for (special) problem structures: 3. For expansion of a small fragment to the complete structure : PHASEX 3. For an enantiomorph, or a super- or pseudo-symmetry problem : PHASEX How to run DIRDIF ( CCODE identifies the structure + working directory) ----------------- [ Change to working directory CCODE ! ] In most options, the structural parameters ( atomic coordinates, either user-supplied or found by Patterson methods) are expanded and recycled (calling repeatedly the appropriate programs) to determine the complete structure. Output: atoms file and a copy to CCODE.res . 1. Patterson option PATTY for Heavy Atom Patterson interpretation. To solve a heavy-atom structure (including S or P in a light atom structure), use PATTY. No input atoms needed. Enter: =====> DIRDIF CCODE PATTY 2. Patterson option ORIENT for application of Vector Search methods. Vector Search methods are used when a (relatively small) part of a structure has known geometry. Prior to running ORIENT, the search model (atmod file, fractional or Cartesian coordinates) must be prepared. To verify the format of your prefab atmod file, or to retrieve a model from orbase (see ORBASE-GALLERY), and/or to modify the model interactively, enter: =====> DIRDIF CCODE ATMOD Then, for application of ORIENT (valid atmod file needed), enter: =====> DIRDIF CCODE ORIENT The orientation of the model is found by program ORIENT, using Vector Search. Thereafter, programs TRACOR and TRAVEC are called to position the model, and PHASEX and FOUR expand the structure to completeness. 3. Structure expansion (fractional atomic coordinates in atoms file). Expansion and recycling of a partial structure, especially for an enantiomorph, or a super- or pseudo-symmetry problem, enter: =====> DIRDIF CCODE PHASEX Adres for correspondence: P.T.Beurskens, c/o Dr. R. de Gelder Crystallography Laboratory, Radboud University Nijmegen, Toernooiveld 1, 6525 ED, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Email: PTBeurskens@hetnet.nl ( only accepted subject: DIRDIF !) ------------------------------------------------------------------------